Tuesday, January 22, 2008

making.....THE LIST

I am fond of saying that the truth is the truth, regardless of whom the messenger is....
Now, I don't really take horoscopes seriously, but I do like to use them as a sounding board....if something resonates with me, then I see it as something to take heed of....
And lately....Sagitarii(?) have been told over and over, that for this new year, which apparently has the potential to really kick ass, to really kick ass, we need to sit down and plan it out in detail, and not get so distracted by influences around us. Now, I was already thinking this on a subconscious level...But it took this warning to really wake me up to the fact that I had already been thinking that I need to be organized, if I want this next year in a brand new, and very distracting city, to "count".....
So, last week I sat down and hacked away at the list.

I have a number of friends whom I know will understand this profoundly....the satisfaction of making a list, getting it out of yer head and onto paper in front of you where you can see it....Then comences the refining and eventual hacking away it it...'till some sort of fruition is reach, then the revision of whats left, which gets absorbed into the new list of what's to come....maybe it's just my German ancestry (Monty Python: "vee make a little list..."), but it is very fulfulling....
I am now ready to move forward, and start to make things happen...the list is almost my shield that I put in front of me as I go into battle, and into the fray....



bugheart said...

i am happy
a collaboration
with me
is on the list.
let's work
on that.

i have been
trying to
do the same,
even if i am
a cancer,
i need lists

Eero said...

Ooooh. Lists.

As an Aquarian, I'm not supposed to be as obsessively in love with lists....but I am.

I like how you arrange it by big subject. Mine usually get bogged down into small tasks around the big goal....
