Friday, October 24, 2008


I luv this story.....I luv these kinds of stories....Whose to say it's the power of the mind or the strangeness of the universe....I still like to believe there is magic out there....I don't believe that god is a MAN in a white beard (How obnoxiously arrogant we humans is....)...I don't believe in ORGANIZED religion....
I SAY EVERYMAN FOR HIMSELF.....This guy sees what he sees and more power to him whatever it may be...(as long as he stays outta MY way....)...CHECK IT...


Eero said...

Hey! I know that plant---a variety of ornamental Amaranth we sell at the greenhouse where I work---it's called 'Love Lies Bleeding.'

I planted it in my yard--it did grow almost 4'tall. (I wanted it to hide the septic tank pipes...)

Mine didn't look like Ganesh.

It looked ornamental amaranth. The moose nibbled on it but didn't like it.
Not too magical, eh?

johnny said...


Anonymous said...

I disagree--anything that discourages the deer-types from snacking on your plants IS magical. especially if it's not also UGLY (like f***ing rhododendrons).
