WEIRD... I just posted this photo yesterday on my flickr site....happening to mention how much it felt like an Andrew Wyeth scene....Hadn't thought of him for quite a while....And lo' and behold: this morning, less than 12 hours later...he's dead...creepy...
It's a really sad thing....I was obcessed with his work for a while....I remember the first time I saw "CHRISTINA'S WORLD" in a book as a mesmerizing it was...and then someone (probably my dad...) told me that the woman in the painting was a cripple (polio it turns out)....and it changed the whole painting...made it's meaning deeper..and showed me how appearances weren't the whole i thought it was an idylic scene of a girl in the middle of nowhere...playing make-believe or something...It was a HUGE deal for me, when I got to see the actual painting at the MOMA sometime after moving here to NYC....
When I moved to Washington state....there was a time I spent out in the country at my parents new house...before they had finished closing up and selling my childhood home in Los Angeles...(another end of a chapter...and a huge turning point for me...)...I even spent a fall and winter in the house, a good chunk of it was bliss...and something about the the rugged beauty of the Northwest must have made me susceptable to Mr. Wyeth's work...because there was a good while where I could think of and look at nothing else....there is a mystery, and silent contemplation to his work...the visual manefestation of lots of long ponderous walks alone...surrounded by nature's quiet....I even wrote him an (awkward...) letter trying to express how I really got his I was a kindred spirit....Though I was probably none of those things ...I believe he was a bit of a grump, and that my emotional effusiveness was probably pretty off-putting to someone of his nature....
He came from an interesting family...lost his father, the famous artist N.C. WYETH when a train happened upon him and one of his grandsons (I forget whose kid...) stalled in a car at the crossing...Later the scandalous HELGA pictures came out...(scandalous....?)...I was aware of him mostly out of my periphery...but his presence was huge on me...especially my early artistic awakenings...and what a powerful thing an artists work can be....
My condelences to the Wyeth clan...Fortunately for the rest of us he left a body of work that will blow the minds of many future generations of artists as well as anyone fortunate to come across him...
Good bye Mr. Wyeth.
The Helga pictures have always been my favorite.
was feeling the same way when i heard about his passing the other day.
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