I have been trying to figure out what I am doing with these last few months here in NYC....I love this city, BUT I am glad to be va-moosing....
My friend Ryan...I used to work with him, bartending at the Paramount Theater in Seattle....invited me to be part of a migration outta frustrating big city life...(him in LA..)...
...so I am also trying to plan for the future....
I just finished reading MICHAEL POLLAN'S: IN DEFENSE OF FOOD....
It is slated to change my way of thinking about the world around me, the same way that 50 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THE EARTH did when I bought it in junior high(?)..ask my siblings....i think I drove them crazy with all the eco-friendly info I spouted at them after that read....
...this book has me planning a garden in my new town to be...visiting farmer's markets....etc etc...dinner's made from scratch for friends....
...I have been trying to envision the next evolution of THIS BLOG TOO....not sure I want it to be so...VERBOSE in future...and more of a scrapbook..snips of image...scraps of dialogue...something more free-form and mutable...and EASY TO DO ON A DAILY BASIS....
..stay tuned and see where I (we) go with this...and thanks for keeping in touch thus far....
Awww, you've hardly been verbose...I mean, you could REALLY run off at the mouth if you wanted to. Seems like you use Flickr a lot more for snippets...
cool we are growing a vegetable garden and my kids are eating fish out of the lake (not me yuk!) but it is fun to know your food is chemical free.
I suspect Michael Pollan has changed a lot of lives with his amazing writing about the state of food in the US and world. Omnivore's Dilemma was a turning point for me akin to when I read Fast Food Nation. Our lives changed significantly as a result, for the better. We're eating better and living more sustainably these days, and I feel healthier. Glad to know I'm in good company :)
To where is your big city exodus taking you?
rain cisterns, solar panels, compost piles and isa chandra moskowitz
crunchy crunchy granola
Handjobs with soft tree bark for everyone!
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