Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm thinkin that, what with all the INTROSPECTON everybody be doin right now, that we need tunes to put us in the mood....

Here's a lil ARVO PART....(just as much for the cool archive footage this person spliced together to go with really enhances something in the music...all that old yellowed, saturated angels are watching all those sad confused human beings scurryng about...ala WINGS OF DESIRE...)

(OKAY, as an afterthought, had to throw in this one a new favorite ARVO)


nancy said...

dang. i can't BELIEVE you just mentioned wim wenders wings of desire. for a long time it was my favourite film. i just loved the way the children could see the angels and that it was in black and white when it was from the angels' point of view and i love bruno ganz and i loved the circus music and i absolutely love nick cave. and i ADORE Peter Falk. and i loved that sometimes it was in French and sometimes in German and sometimes in English. (Reminds me of when i went to see a 6 or 7-hour theatre production called Seven Streams of the River Ota which was in English, French and Japanese and had scenes that would switch from Montreal to New York to Japan. It was amazing. Anyhow. I may have to stop commenting for a while, cuz i'm beginning to feel like a g-d stalker. HA!

nancy said...

oh that is absolutely beautiful. the archival footage is amazing. it really DOES remind you of wings of desire. remember the library scene and the old man wandering around the field? and the biker who is dying and what the angel recites to him? god, what a film. thank you for posting that link. more of my musical likes are listed at http : // www. myspace. com / nainsi_bansidhe i bet we'll have a few that are similar. carpe diem, jonny.

Eero said...

Ah, that was great. Very lost-world, doomed civilization, nostaliga. Good for first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee...