Whenever there is some sort of humidity ratio reached, and old battlescar, someone having spilled a nice gooey beverage on this keyboard, causes the keys to stick in the most stubbornly maddening way................. like that. So, if I get frustrated I may just give up and let you decipher it yourselves rather than backtracking to correct..
THE ABOVE PHOTO is not about my old roommate CARE BEAR (in foreground, looking unfortunately dorky..) ,BUT the short-haired gal off in the murkiness to the right: JEN CURRIN, a poet visiting from Canada...CARE BEAR, an old roommate of mine in Seattle coincidentaly, told me she was in town from B.C., having a reading (which coincidentally, I would have missed, except for a crucial bit of info you shall discover, when I uncover, it later on). Now i'd never heard her read, so I said I'd come to a bar in Williamsburg, THE LUCKY CAT, which I'd never heard of until a couple of days before when me and friend GRAY walked by it on an outting to said neighborhood.........coincidentally.
Needless to say, JEN is an amazing poet, only eclisped by the fact that she reads with such command, and as if she is slowly eating her poem, and savoring every line along the way, not with the usual annoying spoken word voice I find so grating......she's lovely. Coincidentally, she, CARE BEAR, and my good friend THE PEARL (whom, coincidentally, is married to my brother), all met at BARD college in upstate New York, some years ago now.......
But BEFORE JEN came on there was an alluring talented girl named [cannot find paper, but will insert later], and BEFORE her a blond haired thang came up whom it turned out had broken her arm playing soccer recently, and read a very enthralling segment of and essay on fishing. Besides being a more talented writer than I had suspected, she recently was fired from her job, which by a strange twist of fate, coincidentally, had happened to me just yesterday afternoon, and not only did the assholes not give me any notice, but couldn't give me any valid reason for such shitty treatment........ Coincidentally, the only reason I know that this blond cutie had been fired 3 weeks before or that she broke her arm playing soccer, is that we chatted at intermission, because coincidentally, we work together, or rather worked together, and neither one of us had known that the other had been fired. I had no idea she was in this reading that night as well. It was, um, a coincidence.
Fortunately, I got to see these swell coincidental people tonight, and then incidentally, we danced our asses off for a while and me and CARE BEAR, and CARE BEAR'S MAN (STRAT) wandered the hip to overflowing streets of the 'BURG, to our train and back to the upper backwaters of Manhattan.
line up
to lead you
in a
i see it more
as everything
in its proper
a coincidence.
i wish
i could
hear jen read.
i love
her poems.
"There is no such thing as chance; and that which seems to us blind accident actually stems from the deepest source of all."
-Friedrich von Schiller
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