RULE NUMBER ONE, in dumpster diving: If you want it, grab NOW, because it ain't gonna be there when you come back for it later....when it's more conveinient....
That goes double in NYC....So I was pretty lucky yesterday, when walkin down the WEST END in Columbia University area, and saw this bed frame...(I've been living on a twin on the floor since I moved here...and have been yearning for a better BED life....)...
It looked in good shape...but I had errands to run....BUT I kept thinking about it, and how I needed one...and turned around and came back about half an hour first I thought it was already gone, but finally I found it propped up against all the other garbage waiting on the curb...I pondered how I could get it home...And finally figured out a way to walk with the important parts without too much awkwardness....
This was on 104th street, and I live on 141st I started walking....
After what seemed like a COON's age I arrive at my domicile...weary, but glad I had made the effort....(I went back later for the slats...that go in between the rails, that the mattress rests on...but the trash collectors had already come by (and I thought they just came late at night to piss us off...), and the street was empty....WHEW! That was close....I just look at it in my room and I'm so happy I grabbed's a beautiful light color, and looks hand made....
NOW, If anyone can give me a solution for another way to atatch these rails...the hardware seems a bit worn I'm trying to come up with another way to fix this without ruining the over look of the frame....Any suggestions?
niiice find, seems to be good condition too. i think the easiest thing would be to get a screwdriver and take the old stuff to a lowes or something. one of their minions should be able to give u some advice on an alternative or point towards the aisle where you can buy a new shiny non-busted up one.
good luck.
still like hexagons?
so do today's blog of note.
You could also get new metal braces at 'said' Lowes and then antique them... check the all-knowing internets, but I think its a similar process to bronze patina, and pretty simple.
thanks artsybee...I finally checked this out...amazing illustrators!!!
-the management
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