It happened again the other day: I was walking down BROADWAY on a sunny day, whistling a snappy tune, in busy Columbia University area, when I suddenly felt something was wrong....No, not WRONG per se, but Different....It took me a second to hone in on spidey-sense tingling away...
AND THEN I had it: the block I had been walking along, that I used to walk down every day for half a year to my current job at the time, was no longer shrouded in the gloom of big ol' scaffoldings...clinging to the big brick building like barnacles....
Sometimes these set ups last YEARS...I don't know what they are doing...sometimes pressure-washing the outside..or it helps facilitate...moving construction materials up to the appropriate apartment...Whatever the kinda forget about it after a while...That stretch of sidewalk has ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY AND ALWAYS WILL BE THAT WAY (it's how you deal with all the info you are constantly being bombarded with in a big city)....until one sunny bright feel as if the ground has shifted under your the sensation of thinking there is one more step at the top of a staircase and coming down hard with your foot on thin air...
I always find SCAFFOLD-DISPLACEMENT-EXIA to be a dizzy spell...
and it is always accompanied by an audible sigh of relief...
I can only imagine how the folks working in the shop, or living in the apartment under the eaves of the said building feel on that fateful, day...a little like MOLEY in Wind and the Willows, in the opening chapter, when he feels the call of spring and hurries up to the surface, the sunlight intoxicating him with joy...
Next time you find yourself walking down a busy street and wonder what is wrong...look about you...or rather above you...and if you find that the only reason you are confused is that you only see the blue sky above, then you know that you have just had a case of SCAFFOLD-DISPLACEMENTEXIA......
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