NO, SERIOUSLY....I was walking along the HUDSON last week, and just happened to look down...and their she was....something about the form I guess...and it is as light as a feather like a bird's bone.....You just have to come over and check for yo'self....
I walked home with it...and was talking to my brother on my cell and accidentally snapped it in two as I was putting the key in my front door!!! So I painstakingly glued it triage...I noticed that the tinniest bit of bark was missing so I went out into the hallway and found it!!!
I guess sculpture, or 3-d art has been in my bones since I was a kid....I used to take shoelaces and start tying knots in them over and over until it was one big knot-ball, just to see if I could get a cool shape outta it...see?
So, I have a cool idea for this stick, but I am unsure if I want to do anything to it.....It's so beautiful just the way it is.....(?)......
Johnny--that is a really nice stick!
If you EVER get your skinny white ass up here, I'll take you out on the Tanana River----oodles of beautiful driftwood.
It looks like something you'd beat a depression-era short-panted boy with.
Beautiful driftwood! Antique Brass Picture Light
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