For me: ANYTHING is likely to trigger a set of dominoes, sending me off on a tangent....
I was playin around one day....experimenting with ways to achieve effects with some cardboard I'd found at one of those big ol' stationary stores (run by old cranky men...) that just send my salivary glands into overdrive (the stores...the stores!!)...and YOU KNOWS just how much I DIG CARDBOARD....
Here's what I came up with... first I thought that it was a bit too cute...until I found my bearings and figured out how to tweek it...
...which led me to climb into the old internet saddle and looking up some fonts...
I AM A BIG FONT WHORE...Fonts are to the printed word what SOUND is to a film...(unless you are a big design dork/ film geek...(raise yer hands...)..)...
Often it goes undetected...content to float along...bumping against the pilings under the pier of our subliminal consciousness....

I am very fond of certain fonts...though I'd be clueless as to their names...they're almost bookmarkers to certain nostalgic memories for me...the casual scrawl with childrens tempura paints in orange and blue or red and black...on butcher paper, for the signs in the pungent little Italian deli my mom would take me into when doing the shopping, for example....
Well, after a few false starts, I was rewarded with the discovery of a new favorite site...
And most of them evoke feelings or moods that have some basis in our experiences...whether we like it our a song we're humming...because we picked it up at TACO BELL ten minutes ago...on a late night, post booze pick-me-up...(put-me-down-again...) excursion....
So I started browsing....
And you are forced, if you are really in search of something in particular- in my case: something FAIRYTALE-ESQUE...BROTHER'S GRIMM-ISH- into thinking about what it is you are trying to convey...And while I really find only a handful that I would say I "dislike"....One was too "sch-prockets"...another...too perky...tooo hard...too thin...too "HITLER"...too "It's all good"...too ...puppy dog...etc....etc....etc....
(fonts: LUMINARI, and CASTLE)
Over an hour later, I crawled away from the screen...eyes BLEEDING...stomach gurgling...completely hooked...
And it get even more surreal...Thinking about people developing these fonts....(going to school so as to develope these fonts...)...Alot are based on great classics...some on an obscure script, for only the most esoteric purposes...some are downright LOVECRAFTIAN...And most are for sale...?!
What a strange concept: The sale of letters...Then again, there was a time: the equivalent of the other end of the pendulum's swing: When there were those who printed out and illuminated manuscripts because they were one of the gifted few who could write at all...(let alone read...).
Needless to say I will have to schedule time before I revisit said site....
1 comment:
I think Uncle Johnny should come out and play more.
I won't tell if you won't.
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