Monday, June 29, 2009

BOWL OF CONFUSION: that's what the world is today....

OKAY: FOR THOSE OF YOU who like to keep it clean...this link probably ain't for you....or if you are one of my parents...or the pope...or a friend of THE christian right....or a gradeschool teacher...actually...I know of few of those who could teach John Holmes a thing or never mind grade school teachers...but the nice lady who lives down the street who has 20 cats and knows everyones children...watched them grow up and go off to college...maybe NOT her...

....then again...I've know some foul mouthed old ladies...thank god.....ETTA wouldn't mind this link probably....

P.S.: HOW ANNOYING this country is....when I went back to this link after posting this..."FUCK" got changed to "DATE" in this song....What's the point of bein an adult if you are treated like a child!?


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